Saturday, February 4, 2017

As we drive through west Texas, we are amazed by the number of goat ranches. They are not dairy goats or angora goats so I can only assume they are for meat. I know very few Americans who eat goat meat and I have never seen it in a store. I know it is popular in other countries but what do we do with all these goats here?
Another ranch type that is popular here are exotic hunting ranches that are enormous. We saw many exotic non-predator species including zebras, ostrich, camel and so many deer type species that I have never seen before. Some spotted, some striped, most with amazing horns or antlers. They all seemed easily accessible in the scrub and small trees surrounding them. Doesn't seem like this should really be called hunting, the animals are fed and kept in a fenced enclosure, more like slaughter for fun.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. We continued on to Davis Mountains State Park where we have stayed before.  One of our favorites. We camped along a creek bed that was running two years ago but is now totally dry. We saw no javelina or quail which were plentiful last time, I imagine because of the drought. We hiked some of the trails we had hiked last time we were here and finally climbed Skyline Drive trail that we missed last time due to rain. Nice views from the top!
The large white building in the top left quadrant is Indian Lodge, built by the CCC.

The solar array that powers the park. Cool!
Another excellent choice for a sibling trip, either camping or staying at Indian Lodge! You would all love the hikes.

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