We spent 5 days in an old favorite, Alafia River State Park. This park has something for everyone, mountain biking trails, equestrian trails, bird watching, hiking trails and tons of geocaches. We got 38 caches in 5 days while hiking every trail! It was fun watching the ospreys build their nests.
Unidentified hawk, maybe a red-shouldered?
Some ospreys are better builders than others!
We also saw this really cool thing, an airplane refueling 2 helicopters in the air!

It was a long drive to our next park where we planned to spend 2 days in an air-conditioned cabin in a state park. It is close to the Keys, our next stop. Lots of construction and traffic made us arrive a bit later than intended. Still, our cabin wasn't ready until 4 so we checked out the park. I was told when I reserved that there was room to park the RV. There was, however it was in a parking lot over a half mile away! We were uncomfortable with not having it where we could see it, especially with the bikes on the back. We decided to only spend one night and look for another spot for the next night. At 4 pm we picked up our keys and went to check out the cabin. It smelled awful! Musty and way too many smelly cleaning products. We agreed neither of us would be able to sleep there so we left. I found a county park about 45 miles away and we headed there. We had no idea what we were heading to but at least we would be with our camper. Best decision ever! It is a great park, the rates are reasonable and we are very comfortable in our own beds! I wish we had gotten a refund for the other park but you can't have everything. This new park is right in Miami but it feels like you are out in the country!
Lots of feral cats in the park
I was very happy to see that they were ear-tipped!
This beautiful blooming tree is a golden trumpet tree.
This very cool guy is an African redheaded Agama (identified by Rochelle)
Echo moth caterpillar ,(also ID'd by Rochelle) is cute but has poisonous spines!
Next Up: The Florida Keys!
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