Sunday, February 2, 2020

We stayed one night at Crying Eagle Brewery through our Harvest Host membership. Stays are free but you are encouraged to patronize the host. No problem. We enjoyed some good pizza, great beer and trivia night! I'm pretty sure we spent more than it would have cost us to camp elsewhere but we had fun and enjoyed a non-cooking night!
Mardi Gras tree behind the trivia hostess

The next day we moved on to Bogue Chitto State Park, another Louisiana state park. Louisiana has very nice parks! We only stayed 2 nights because they were having a race over the weekend and we wanted to be out before the hordes moved in! We took a lot of walks on paths and through swamps on boardwalks. They were also slippery but not as much of an incline so no falling this time, which is good as I am finally almost healed from my last fall! We were only there two days but managed to hike all the trails and find 5 geocaches!
A tree limb that Denny thought looked like a wild boar.

Swamp boardwalk
They had a small water play feature which was not running. Denny decided it was too cold and told me it wasn't working. I saw a button which I thought activated it. He said it wouldn't work. I told him I was going to push it anyway. He was so convinced that he was right (like always) that he walked straight across it and was surprised when water started coming up out of the ground. 😆😜

They also had a small area they called a sandy beach. We Michiganders, who know what real sand looks like, would call this crushed rock!
All signs warned us of alligators but even though we scoured the swamps for them, we never saw
even one! 

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