Wednesday, January 22, 2020

1/18 The cold front has arrived! 31 degrees this morning in eastern Texas, and even though we have heat, that is pretty cold when you live in a large tin can! At least yesterday was warm and we got in a couple of hikes!
Time to head further south.


We been staying at a couple of state parks in the eastern part of Texas referred to as the Piney Woods Hills. The parks are nice, and we’ve had several days of enjoyable 5+ mile hikes.  My knees have finally stopped hurting as much. They needed this!  No spectacular scenery to speak of but the weather has been decent, although it does get cold at night! 
A lake we hiked around
We have a membership in a group called Harvest Hosts where you can stay at a variety of venues. Last night we chose to use it for the first time at an animal sanctuary in Tyler, Texas, called Tiger Creek. Rescued big and medium cats live here as well as a few other animals. Most of the cats are 15-20 years old and are here for a variety of reasonsprior circus animals, injuries, former pets, etc. There are a few rare ones that are here as part of a genetic research program. Right across from the field where we camped was this cute donkey or burro. I think he is boredhe plays with his ball constantly!

Here are a few of the animals we saw:  

He was sticking his tongue out at us!

I loved the markings on her head

Up close!

Beautiful white tiger. The sign said they are endangered and many who remain are on canned hunt properties.😡

This is one of the rare tigers. She was beautiful and her markings were so unusual

Very regal! He kept roaring at us. Too cool!

Many of the lions laid with their paws together like this.


The way he was laying reminded me of a big house cat!
I always love to watch the goats!

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