Friday, February 15, 2019

After a week in our parking lot type campground by the ocean, we moved to Caspar Wilderness Park at the foot of the Santa Ana Mountains near San Juan Capistrano. Now this is better! 35 miles of hiking trails in the foothills of the mountains with a lazy little creek running through it and tons of geocaches.

San Juan Creek

Our RV on the left
Santa Ana Mountains

Our first couple of days were beautiful. But on our most challenging hike up to a vista, Denny for some reason, chose not to bring his camera. It was beautiful and we vowed not to hike without it again!

Due to the presence of mountain lions in this area, we agreed not to hike without carrying bear spray. So far, we have not remembered once! But we do have our hiking poles with us. Not one sighting yet. Also, due to the presence of mountain lions, no dogs are allowed in the park or on the trails. While hiking on one of the more remote trails, we noticed many large poop piles in the middle of the path and lamented about people who bring their dogs hiking in spite of the rules. We decided it was not mountain lion scat as cats bury their poop. After checking on Google, we found that mountain lions poop in the middle of paths to mark their territory! The path was a little muddy so I took a picture of a footprint that I believe was a mountain lion's.

Horses are allowed on almost all of the trails, and even though we haven't seen any, there is evidence everywhere.
Denny at the equestrian campground, on a bench carved out of a whole tree
There are bunnies (hares?), California quail and ground squirrels everywhere! These two were either playing or challenging one another. The one bunny stood up like this for quite a while! Then he jumped straight up in the air and ran away.

California Quail
Due to a small rain storm, many of the trails were closed, but this one was open since it was flatter and we were able to see the hillsides covered with California poppies!

Then the rains came... After a night of torrential downpours, we awoke to find that we were surrounded by water.

And our lazy little creek had turned into a raging river.

The park is closed except for the RV campground, and they are not allowing any newcomers in. There are only 4 of us left!

By nightfall, the waters had receded, and this morning is bright and sunny with most of the water gone. YAY!

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