Friday, February 23, 2018

Chris and Jill headed on to Big Bend and we were on to our next destination, Palmetto State Park. On the way, we stopped at ZippiVet in Austin to replenish Kismet's lactated ringers.   The good news is she has gained a bit of weight! The bad news is that the appetite stimulant that they gave her, made her crazy. She has been anxious and meowing all day. No more of those meds. I sure hope it is out of her system soon! I called the vet who said it could be up to 72 hours. Ugh, no sleep for me!
We thought it would be a quick stop but they wanted to do a complete exam first.

Palmetto State Park is small but very green and lush, kind of an oasis in the middle of Texas.
 Again, there are some lovely CCC buildings and the CCC did the entire Palmetto planting.

Denny’s sister, Mary, joined us on our 3rd day at this park and brought the cold north air with her. We were hiking in shorts one day and light winter coats the next day. It was especially cold because it was raining. Mary is probably wondering why she left Michigan when it’s almost as warm there!
To brighten the day up, we did see a Pileated woodpecker right outside the rainy front window of our RV.
 A wet boardwalk through the swamp.

Its very lush and green here, kind of an oasis.

 Mary and I all bundled up and looking for geo-caches!

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