Thursday, January 18, 2018

The storm fooled us and headed a bit deeper south. We landed at Fontainebleau State Park right outside of New Orleans and set up after dark. The next morning was windy and 30s, so we bundled up and checked out the area. The park is on the north coast of Lake Pontchartrain, and the breeze off the lake sent the wind chill tumbling. Even us hardy northerners were cold!
Nevertheless, we managed a few miles and a few pictures before retreating to the warmth of the motor home.

Beautiful, large old Live Oak. Note that I am standing at the base for perspective. Zoom in...I'm there in my hoodie!

Dead Live Oak, oxymoron?
Live Oak trailing on the ground
After experiencing the wind on the pier, we retreated to an inland trail to escape the gusts.
You can just see the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway if you zoom in. At 23 miles in length, it is the longest continuous bridge over water in the world.

Inland hiking trail

No snow or ice the first day, but on the second morning we woke up to this:

 Of course, the news was about nothing but the weather since this is nearly unheard of. The roads are covered in ice, so we plan to stay a couple more days until we can drive safely.

The second full day included even less walking and a trip to PetsMart to find something our failing kitty will eat. Success! Denny stayed in the RV with Kismet while I shopped. And Kismet took a nap in her bed in the sun on the dashboard. I think she rather likes RVing and not having to share our attention!

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